Shawls & Wraps

  • Fathomless | Karen WhooleyFathomless | Karen Whooley



    Fathomless is a study of pairing two unlikely colors together to create a harmonious combination of colors.  Inspired by the movie The Abyss, the main field of the shawl is worked in a simple double crochet plain field.  The variegated color reminds me of the colors you see dancing on top of the water when visiting the coast.  The lacy edging worked once the main shawl is completed,  gives the illusion of going down into the depths of the ocean where everything is chilly and dark, but knowing there is beauty all around you, only if you know where to look.  This shawl will sparkle in any color combination, but I challenge you to stretch your mind to create an unconceivable pairing of colors to make this shawl glow!

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 4 pages.

  • Provincial | Karen WhooleyProvincial | Karen Whooley



    Provincial is a timeless shawl that takes us back to a time that was more colonial and simple.  Beautiful lace panels are interspersed with plain double crochet to create a beautiful play of elegant simplicity. Perfect for a gradient lace weight yarn – but you could really make it shine in a tonal or use different colors for each panel to create a lovely visual of stripes too.

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 4 pages.

  • Pretentious | Karen WhooleyPretentious | Karen Whooley



    Pretentious is a study of texture and color.  Using 2 gradient kits and working them together by starting on the dark end of the spectrum with one and the lightest on the other, this shawl packs a colorful punch. Using a combination of plain, textured and lacework fabric, Pretentious is a project that you will never want to put down. Try it in your favorite combinations of color!

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 5 pages.

  • Morecellement | Karen WhooleyMorecellement | Karen Whooley



    Morcellement is a verb defined as “division into small portions” in the 1933 Oxford Dictionary. As this pattern was originally my 2017 Mystery Shawl Crochet-A-Long and sent out in portions, I thought the name was perfect! 

    This triangular shawl is worked from the top down starting with simple stitches and as the pattern goes forward, the pattern becomes more lacy and eventually has a 1-row edging. Light and elegant, everyone will love this shawl.

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 4 pages.

  • Desert Sunset | Karen WhooleyDesert Sunset | Karen Whooley

    Desert Sunset


    As the sun drops behind the horizon the colors of scarlet and amber enflame the sky, Desert Sunset reminds me of a gorgeous hot night in the desert. Worked from side to side, this crescent-shaped shawl is worked all in one piece including the edging. Using a simple increase in the solid body of the shawl, you can enlarge or reduce the size just by changing the repeats.

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 5 pages.

  • Xanthopsia | Karen WhooleyXanthopsia | Karen Whooley



    Xanthopsia in its true definition means all things appear to be seen in yellow.  This sunny shawl will make all of your days feel like summer. With an easily adjustable pattern (just add or reduce the number of 4 row repeats) to make it the length and width you would like it to be, Xanthopsia will become a favorite for every season – and any color you want!

    NOTE: This is a Digital Pattern Only. | 4 pages.